Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Acquisition Strategy Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Acquisition Strategy Analysis - Essay Example This paper will mention two organizations that are under a different industry operation but make use of acquisition strategies in order to make their positions stronger in today’s competitive business world (Chan, 2003). Advantage presented by a merger or acquisition to either two or even more organizations is an option of strategic positions that are attractive for the ability to achieve operating economies, thus strengthening the effects of the organization’s competitiveness and competencies, resulting to new avenues that allow more innovative market opportunities. An acquisition can be referred to as a combination between two or even more organizations or companies whereby, one of them thoroughly buys and assumes all the operations or processes of the other one. These strategies, if properly researched and handled, can result to generation of an enormous amount of profit to the organization; however, not every single company that makes use of mergers or acquisitions can be termed as successful. Most companies are yet to meet their goals or expectations as a result of acquisitions performance. In fact, a handful of the organizations have epically failed (Gamble & Thompson, 2011). ... Sixteen years ago after its publicity, its market capitalization was approximately 120 billion dollars, which is vastly larger than that of Xerox, Apple, and Dell combined. Cisco has managed to sail through whereas several because of its expertise in professionalizing processes which most firms occasionally embark on when they need them or when they are greedy to make more profits. The Airspace former CEO once said that most of the companies he had interacted with rarely use acquisition strategies and in fact, integration is their job at night. He went ahead to say that, unlike the others, Cisco consists of individuals whose initiative is to strategize both during the day and night. Acquisition therefore, to him, is the company’s core function (Gamble, 2011). According to experts, Cisco is a highly successful company in terms of identification of new technologies in the market and taking calculated corporate risks mainly in markets that are new. However, the main point to note is that the firm’s acquisition and merger operation strength lies elsewhere. The firm noticed that technology acquisition cannot only lie on technology but the people as well. Hooper, the CEO, said that the firm’s most strategic and useful asset is the people. The people in this case mean the firm’s expertise. He says that once the firm loses product managers and technologists who may have created, say, a router to a link after an acquisition, then it may be said to have lost an immense deal of products which might have only existed in the heads of those employees. The core nucleus to the firm’s acquisition machine may be said to be its development group. It comprises of 40 individuals securely tucked to a cubicle firm that is

Monday, October 28, 2019

Iraq War Essay Example for Free

Iraq War Essay The Iraq war is also known as the Occupation of Iraq and it started on 20th March 2003, the war was spearheaded by the United States of America which was also backed by the U. K. There were other countries that had small forces in the invasion but they did not have many troops as compared to the US and the Britain, these countries included Australia, Poland, Denmark and Spain. This invasion marked the beginning of the current Iraq war. The major reason for the invasion was to end the Saddam regime which was believed to be supporting terrorist activities, it was also aimed at disarming Iraq which was said to be in possession of weapons of mass destruction and the last reason for the invasion was to free the people of Iraq from the dictatorship of Saddam (Allen, Mike and Juliet, 2002). The trigger of the war is said to have been the failure of Iraq to disarm itself of the biological, chemical and nuclear weapons that the US and its allies said were a threat to the world peace. Some of the traditional allies of the United States opposed the war and argued that there was no evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; some of these countries were Germany, France and Canada. The invasion started with an air strike at the Presidential palace which was later followed by attacks on the southern side of Iraq. The coalition forces operated from a point near the Kuwait-Iraq border. The Iraq war is said to have caused very many protests all over the world with the largest protest in Rome where more than three million people protested against the war. The United States-Turkish relationship was greatly affected by what preceded the aftermath of the war on Iraq. For the last Fifty years there has been a very good Turkish-American partnership which can be seen in the efforts that the two countries have made in Korea, Kosovo and Bosnia. In the year 1999 when President Clinton visited Turkey after an earthquake he described their relationship as a very strategic partnership and there was a lot of support fir the partnership between the two nations. The strong partnership began to deteriorate in March 2003 when the US was almost attacking Iraq. The effect of this was felt when the Turkish parliament rejected the request by the US to allow the US troops to go through Turkey just before the war started. Most people in Turkey were against the war with 95% of the whole population being against the war and this forced the government to reject the US request although it was seen as a loss to the Turkish government as it lost a lot of grants and loans that would have come with the agreement. Although the Turkey government wants to renew the relationship with the United States there is a feeling that the instability that was caused by the war on the Turkish border with the Northern Iraq has caused a lot of damage to the Turkish tourism industry. The Iraq war caused the relationship that existed between the US and the Turkish government to be highly affected. The US sees Turkey as a very important country because it is a country with a makority of Muslims but it has exercised a successful democracy, Turkey is also a link between the Central Asia and the Europe in matters relating to energy and Turkey has also played a major part as a broker in the Middle East. The effort of the US government to encourage the Turkish government to form good relations with the Iraqis was greatly affected after the war due to the instability that exists in the Northern Iraq region. The Iraq war also led to an alarming increase in the anti-American slogans among the Turks because of the instability in Turkey that was as a result of the Iraq war. The Iraq war resulted in a lot of strain between the Turkish government and the US but this can be put on hold by the US allowing Turkey to perform a Major role in the reconstruction of Iraq. The other area that was greatly affected by the war is the education sector in Turkey, students from Turkey no longer wants to socialize with the Americans and the Europeans after the war (Council on foreign relations, 2003). The other major effect of the war in Iraq is that it created fear in the Arab countries and most of these countries no longer trust the US or the UK. Most of the Arab countries felt that Iraq was only the first country in what they referred to as the domino effect of democracy and they believe that with the successful introduction of democracy in Iraq there will be more attacks in the Middle East with the aim of installing democracy. This has caused the Arab countries to live in fear of attacks from the US and the UK and therefore they end up arming themselves and at the same time carrying out jihads. The war has also created very high sensitivity in Iran about the regional involvement of the U. S in the country and they believe that those people in the Islamic republic are surrounded by a number of countries which are allies to the U. S and this has caused a lot of fear to the people in the Arab countries. The other major effect that the war has had is that it has led to the collapse of the strong relationship that existed between the United States and the U. K and Syria. This has been attributed to the fact that it is feared that Iraq transferred its weapons of mass destruction to Syria when it was about to be attacked by the coalition forces, this has resulted to a lot of tension in Syria for the fear that the country may be attacked by the coalition forces in search of the weapons of mass destruction. The other major effect of the war on Iraq has been in Saudi Arabia, there have been fears of a military attack against Saudi Arabia and also the increased pressure from the United States of America on Saudi Arabia to collaborate in the war against terrorism. The Saudi-U. S relations have been less than ideal in the current days and this made the Saudis think that the Bush administration was using its military force in Iraq so as to influence something from the Saudis. There has been a great deal of uncertainty in the Arab countries with the people thinking that because of the success of the military action on Iraq the United States and its allies may use the same on most of the Arab countries. The other major effect of the war was that there were increased cases of terrorism activities in the U.  S and the U. K when the war against Iraq was declared, this was because the Arab countries were opposed to the war and because they could not convince the U. S and the U. K not to attack Iraq they opted for terrorist activities. The attack against Iraq was also aimed at bringing out the link between the 9/11 bombing in U. S and the Saddam regime but this was not evident and therefore most of the Iraqis felt that the attack was simply to impose a government that was created by the United States and its allies. Baghdad and Damascus are towns in Iraq that are filled with terrorists of the old days but there was no evidence to link these people to the 9/11 bombing in U. S. and this clearly indicated that those who lost their lives in Iraq during the war were not the terrorists responsible for the 9/11 attacks (Leslie, 2004). Muslims all over the world had at first opposed the attack by Al Qaeda on U. S, but this was then reversed when the U. S attacked Iraq and triggered more chaos from the Arab communities. As a result of the war on Iraq moderate Muslims began to support anyone who is out to defend the Muslim land and the values of the Islam religion against any group of people aimed at crashing the Muslims. Due to this the relationship that was there especially in Iraq and Palestine between the U. S and the U. K and the Muslims was greatly affected as the Muslims thought that the U. S and the U. K were out to bring to an end their religion. The war in Iraq has resulted in more bitterness and instability in Iraq as more young Muslims are coming up with a form of jihad that is more volatile than it used to be in the past. The American policy makers have very little appreciation on how their military actions in Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan is causing a lot of radicals in the Muslims opinions and also creating very many radical groups that are aimed at fighting for the sake of their faith. This has caused a very poor perception of the citizens of the Arab countries in that they are seen as terrorists just because of being an Arab. The relationship between students from Arab countries and those from the United States or the U. K has also been affected by this perception (Fawaz, 2006). The civil unrest that was experienced in Iraq had very major effects on the relation of the U. S and U. K and the neighbouring countries of Iraq. The problems that the neighbours of Iraq are facing will continue even with a steady improvement of the situation in Iraq and the situation would be worse if the situation in Iraq deteriorates. The most dangerous effect of the Iraq war would be due to sectarian and ethnic conflicts in Iraq. The sectarian hatred that may arise in Iraq will lead to civil unrest in Iraq and this would also affect the countries that are neighbouring Iraq. These countries would then in turn blame the U. S and its allies because they caused the war in Iraq. The Iraq people and its allies felt that they would not be welcomed in the United States in case they face any disasters in their countries and this also broke the relationship that was there between the Arab countries and the United States. This can be seen during the war because those Iraqis that were affected by the war were put in refugee camps and treated in a very inhuman way. The other major effect of the war on the relation of the Arab and the U. S and U. K was that there were reduced tourism activities between these nations for the fear of terrorism (Andrew, 2008). The war against Iraq also had an effect on the global terrorism and contrary to what George Bush and Tony Blair argued it is evident that the war brought about increased global terrorism. This is evident in that the number of people killed in jihad attacks has increased steadily from the time when the Iraq war started. The Iraq war is also seen to have caused an increase in the spread of the Al Qaeda activities in the Arab countries with the reason that they are out to fight for the Muslims all over the world. The increase in the Al Qaeda activities has caused a lot of insecurity in most of the Arab countries and this is attributed to the war against Iraq and therefore the Arabs find the U. S and the U. K as countries that are out to cause more problems in their countries (Kim and Patrick, 2007). When asked for the reasons for the U.  S attack against Iraq most of the citizens of the Arab nations like Egypt, United Arab Emirates and Jordan give three most common answers. Of these most of the Arabs think that the United States was out to acquire oil reserves in Iraq and protect Israel, but the most astonishing answer given by citizens in the Arab nations is that they were out to weaken the Muslim community. This has led to break down of the relationship that existed between the Arab nations and the U. S and U. K. as the Arabs see the U. S and the U.  K as people who are out to weaken them. The broad perception of the U. S military attack against the Muslim world is that there has been a collapse in the confidence that the Arab nations had on the United States and the U. K. Before the failure of the U. S backed peace talks between Israel and Palestine in 2000 that were mediated by President Clinton, around 60% of the people interviewed in Saudi said that they had confidence in the United States but this ceased with the attack by United States against Iraq in 2003. Lack of trust in the U. S and the U.  K meant that there would be no negotiations that were headed by the two countries in the Arab countries because without trust negotiation does not make any sense at all. The other factor that led to the failure of the relation between the Arab nations and the United States is because of the insistence of the Bush administration on democracy in the Arab nations. They argued that instilling democracy in the Arab nations would greatly increase security in the world, but this was not the case because after the formation of a democratic government in Iraq there have been increased attacks in Iraq by jihads (Kevin, 2005). The war against Iraq also brought about some economic and emotional effects in the Arab nations. The Arab nations felt that they had the responsibility of supporting their fellow Muslims who were suffering in Iraq and therefore they dedicated a lot of resources to the Iraqis, was it not for the war that had been sparked by the United States and the U. K the Arab nations argue that they would have used these resources for their own developments. The Arabs also feel that they were weakened by the war on Iraq in that America took control of the oil wells in Iraq indicating that the Americans were not aimed at imposing a democratic system of government in Iraq but they were out to capture the oil wells in Iraq (Bruno, 2007). In the past five years four and a half million people have left Iraq as refugees, this has therefore put a lot of pressure on the neighbouring countries in that they have to care for the refugees. The neighbouring countries to Iraq have therefore broken the strong relationship that they had with the United States and the U.  K because they term them as the major cause of the problem they are currently facing. Security in the countries around Iraq has also deteriorated due to the fact that terrorists are heading to the neighbouring countries from where they launch their attacks claiming to be fighting for the Muslim religion. The Arab nations feel that the war against Iraq has led to congestion in the Iraq hospitals due to the many casualties that have to be treated in the hospitals and at the same time the hospitals lack qualified personnel and equipments to treat all the casualties. This has made the United States and the U.  K be seen as very inhuman hence collapse of the relation between them and the Arab nations (Robert, 2005). The other major decline in the relations between Arabs and U. S and U. K can be seen in the area of trade. After the war on Iraq was declared the Arab nations reduced their trade with the two major countries that spearheaded the war. This caused a rise in the price of oil which is the major product of the Arab nations. The Arabs also felt that the war on Iraq caused an increase in the Cross border terrorism due to the large number of refugees who flew the war torn Iraq. These acts of terrorism that the neighbouring countries suffered from made them lose the trust they had on the Americans and the people of U. K. There was also the issue of trans-national crime that came with the refugees from Iraq. Tourism activities were also greatly affected in the Arab countries because people from the U. S and the U. K feared travelling to Arab countries because of the increased acts of terrorism that had hit the whole world. The Arabs also developed a very bad perception for the Americans and the people of U.  K; they viewed these people as oppressors of the Muslim community. This had a great effect in those U. S and U. K citizens that were living in Arab countries with some of them having to be forced to go back to their home countries due to fear of being attacked by jihads. The U. S and U. K relation with the Arab countries declined due to the war and this forced some of the U. S or U. K organizations that were based in the Arab countries to return back to their home countries. This shows that business ties between the Arabs and the U. S and U. K were declining.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cave Paintings Essays -- essays research papers

The Cave of Lascaux and Cave Art   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cave paintings might possibly be the oldest known form of communication that exists today. Cave paintings date back to a period of time called the Paleolithic Age. The Paleolithic Age took place from 40,000 to 10,000 B.C. Prehistoric Age is divided into three parts: Paleolithic being the earliest, Mesolithic being the middle at 10,000 B.C. and Neolithic Age being the latest at 8,000 B.C. During the Paleolithic Age it is believed that the cave paintings at Lascaux, France were created.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lascaux, is located in the south central, western corner of France. In 1940 this cave was believed to be found by a group of four boys from Montignac, France and a dog while out walking through the woods. Allegedly the dog fell into the cave and would not answer the owners call. The boys came up to what appeared to be a dark rock but as they got closer they realized they was not the case, it was a cave. The boys entered in an attempt to find the dog and discovered one of the most important cave paintings now known to man. Lascaux quickly became a heavy tourist spot and was forced to be closed in 1963 due to the damage being caused by human beings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Lascaux this elegant cave painting is comprised of almost six hundred figures of different animals. The cave art at Lascaux is comprised of horses, bison, cattle and hinds as suggested by the Columbia Encyclopedia in its article Paleolithic Art. It is suggested that the art â€Å"may have a ritual significance to hunting†. (Columbia) These animal paintings in the cave vary in size but the bulls specifically range from thirteen to sixteen feet long.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is believed that these particular cave works were created sometime around 13,000 B.C. and have remained, for the most part, completely intact. This date is only hypothetical being that the process of dating these cave paintings is slightly inaccurate and limited. As talked about on the Lascaux Cave Official Website â€Å"the range of methods and tools used to date the cave art is somewhat limited, partly because the figures are not in a position favorable to stratigraphic dating most of the time and also because of the nature of the material used†. (Lascaux 11/25/04) Another identical method uses the pigment, which was found on the ground, to ... ...g these paintings. In researching this topic the student learned of the three prehistoric eras and what significance each had to later civilization. This student also learned of the possibility of a scaffolding and/or complex form that was designed to allow a person to paint on the upper wall or ceiling of a cave. This student also found it very interesting how the human body can break down these paintings and how it is hard for even scholars to gain entrance to these places. I think that these cave paintings paved the way for future art with ideas of ritual, creativity, preservation and expression. I feel that the people of this time were extremely intelligent in the fact that they were able to grasp some idea of preservation so these paintings could be viewed for years to come. I also feel that these people showed intelligence in a supreme being. If indeed these paintings are created as a ritual for their hunt then maybe they believed that if they perform this ritual this supreme being will provide them with a prosperous hunt. This topic I found very interesting and informative. Studying this topic really brought light to the existence of art even in the prehistoric culture.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Introduction of Policing

The duties, functions and responsibilities of local state law enforcement agencies are done by the police department. And this consists of patrolling, administrative, training and technical support. There is also arresting of law violators, performing routine patrol, investigation of crimes, enforcing traffic laws, providing traffic and crowd control at parades, public events and issuing special license and permits. One major thing is upholding the law and preventing crime.And last but not least is to protect and serve our people. The duties, functions and responsibilities of the state law enforcement agencies are done by the Highway patrol mainly. And this consists of dealing with growing crime in non-urban are of the country. This is linked with politics and urban and country corruption. They also provide escort and body guard services to the governor and any other type of governor. They also provide security for the property that they live in. Also look into arson and investigatio ns of homicides.They patrol small towns and state highways, regulate traffic and crimes from crossing the borders of different jurisdiction and prevent crime. And which, the state laws are being enforced. The major differences between Local and state law enforcement agencies are pretty much there jurisdiction, certain crimes that they work on, staffing and support. The local police stay with in their jurisdiction and if for some reasons it becomes a state’s job it is handed over. They also try and prevent any type of overlapping.The three federal law enforcement agencies that I found interesting to talk about are FBI, CIA and the DEA. FBI: Federal Burial of Investigations, Upholds law of the United States, they look at state and local laws and investigates federal crimes and prosecutes within federal law. They also prosecute and investigate fugitives. Also they investigate bombings, mail fraud, kidnapping and serial killers. CIA: The Central Intelligence Agency, national secu rity for the United States which is Presidency protection, special intelligence work including other countries.The CIA pretty much works for the President of The United States. To collect, evaluate and decimate foreign intelligence to assist the president and senior U. S. Government. Also does policy makers in making decisions when it comes to national security. DEA: Drug Enforcement Agency, Enforces the United States governments laws and regulations regarding controlled substances. Responsibilities are to identify arrest and successfully prosecute offenders. Also evolved in investigation of drug trafficking. This was an interesting check point assignment and very educational.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Project Management Integration Framework

Financial risk management can be defined as the definitive sourcing of practical guidance on market management and credit risk. It can be subdivided into two parts, which are, the macro and the micro risk management. There are a number of differences between the two risk management approaches. For example, in macro risk management, there is application of technology to alleviate financial risks or losses. This procedure can be done by focusing on the risk management of a firm – an approach which is unmistakable but takes a lot of time.The major tool used in this undertaking is the use of ‘stress test’ upon portfolios which analyzes the joint force of the wider set of risks in meaningful ways. This process provides more information about the risk and provides an opportunity for diligent analysis (Dash, 2004). Even though the risk usually has been notified to the management, the total risk that is inbuilt into the system is not discarded. The concentration on the fi nancial system thus changes the risk profile in the industry. The risk profile becomes unpredictable and can thus cause serious effects in the business economy.On the other hand, while executing macro risk management, one requires shifting from the notion that the stability of a system is a consequence of the accuracy of individual components. Modern risk managers thus focus on the development of the tools to evaluate the possibility of credit deals which may result in the collapse of the firm. The transmission of risks within a firm may thus result in distress with its associates. Through this strategy, the risk managers can scrutinize how negative financial shocks, such as capital outflows, can negatively magnify a sector’s risk.This approach helps them to design and alleviate the risk by adjusting the chief fiscal surplus so as to relieve the shocks. Managers thus have the opportunity to grade their policies. To take precaution on macro risk management, the management shou ld therefore involve the staff who are always involved in the testing of the continuity plans and who are aware of the plans. In addition, this technique helps managers to examine other firms’ strategies which have been proven successful.Managers will also analyze others’ methods which they can successfully adapt into their circumstances. Conversely, in micro risk management, one starts by providing a general background of financial risk management which illustrates how the risk arose in the firm. This information explores the key concepts used in past risk management and provides a way to curb its reappearance. One thus discovers the main concepts used in risk management and can thus articulate them through well-known financial disasters of the past.One can also devise ways to avoid the risks. This technique allows managers the opportunity to devise the methods to be used to manage the market risk and how to forward it, spot it, and other mechanisms of identifying the risk. This provides a detailed analysis of the models used in pricing the risks and how each model can be used to determine and control risk. After this, the financial risk management will round up the scrutiny and the lessons on the risk management portfolio which gives a firm a clear understanding of the risk and its management.Through this, one can automate audits and susceptible management throughout the running of the firm. Subsequently, the collected automates accessed are then used to control all assets in the firm followed by their testing to identify the most vulnerable risks which may reappear in the firm. This activity provides the most effective way to detect and curb a micro risk at its initial appearance. Reference Dash, J. W. (2004). Quantitative finance and risk management: A physicist's approach. Toh Tuck Link, Singapore: World Scientific. Project Management Integration Framework There are three main components that must be fulfilled by a project for it to be truly successful; it must be completed within the set budget, schedule and deliver the expected outcome and quality. If one of these components is not met, even if the project is completed, then the project cannot be said to be successful. Project failure is common and may result from various reasons; one of these reasons is that, the project may actually be impossible. Take for example the failure of the Apollo program, which was American spaceship that landed the first man in moon.This project ran well from the year 1969 up to 1975. Apollo 13 failure of oxygen tank and the Apollo 204 tragedy, which led to loss of lives shows that the mission could no longer be safe as planned. Furthermore, the objectives of the project were impossible to be achieved since the main goal was to find out if human beings could survive in the moon and live comfortably or even in any other planet apart from earth. Incompeten t management is another common reason that may lead to project failure. A good example is the disappearing warehouse project for a Software company in the nation.The warehouse varnished not only from the physical view but in watchful eyes of a retailer who was well known in the system of automated distribution. Software glitch somehow had erased the existence of the warehouse and thus goods destined to that warehouse were diverted to other routes where as the goods in that warehouse for a certain time languished. Employees at that missing warehouse kept quiet in that time since they were receiving their pay. As the software glitch was noticed, the warehouse was then sold off and the senior management requested the employees to be quiet on the episode.This led to the failure of that software project. Finally over-constrained is another reason that leads to their failure. Football clubs are good examples. Wenger, the Arsenal club manger had a plan to make the club to continue performi ng well and win all the trophies. This continued for some time but failed. This football club traces its failure at that period due to over-constrains in the management as well as in the players. This club since then has not been able to win trophies despite its continuous shines in the frequent years before.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Give reasons for your answer showing that you have considered more than one point of view in your answer Essays

Give reasons for your answer showing that you have considered more than one point of view in your answer Essays Give reasons for your answer showing that you have considered more than one point of view in your answer Essay Give reasons for your answer showing that you have considered more than one point of view in your answer Essay Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer showing that you have considered more than one point of view in your answer.This is a very difficult question to answer, as it is a very complex subject. The law in Britain disallows for euthanasia however it is legal for abortion to take place. Killing has always been seen as immoral. (Genesis 27) Thou shalt not kill.In the story of creation God built up the world in seven days. He made plants and animals to serve us. Its whole point is to show to us that we get life from God and that we must respect and be thankful for the gift we have been given.Despite this there are many occasions were people feel that euthanasia and abortion are necessary. Euthanasia is a gentle or easy death and is used to show compassion to those who are in incredible pain. E.g. Diane Pretty is a sufferer or motor neurone disease. She is currently fighting for the right for her husband to kill her without him getting imprisoned after wards. Since she caug ht the disease the condition of her life has deteriorated immensely. She is now in a wheelchair, her limbs do not work and she has to be fed through a tube. She is in a lot of pain however her intellectual abilities and he capacity to make decisions is unimpaired. This woman is an adult that should be allowed to make decisions for herself. It must be causing her much physical and mental distress the pain she is going through, waiting for the time when her lungs will collapse and she will suffocate to death.Euthanasia is an easier way out for her. She will be able to die with dignity and her family will no longer have to watch her suffer any longer. But if she was to use euthanasia legally it would path the way for others to do so as well, and could even lead on to involuntary euthanasia. It has occurred in the past that patients that have been written off by doctors have recovered fully. People when they are in a lot of pain make decision that they dont really mean because they are not thinking straight. Many patients who would have decided to opt for euthanasia are relieved now that it wasnt made legal because they are now living a better quality of life than they ever were. Some feel that the pain they went through made them stronger and a better person, as it was a time for them to reflect on the way that were living their life.For abortion- having a baby can be stressful, especially if it is an unwanted one. If there is a chance that having the baby would physically harm the mother then some believe that it is justifiable to terminate the babys life. However God does everything for a reason. It could be time for the mother to die and the baby to go and live a fruitful life. It can also be justified to have an abortion if the baby is going to be born seriously disabled, however Stephen Hawkin is an example of a man who has still managed to achieve great success despite his serious disability.If a woman was rapped and left pregnant it would be a very hard de cision to keep the child. It wasnt her fault for having an unwanted child, and it would be understandable for her to have an abortion. If the baby was spared its life then it could be left with living a life of resentment, but we also have to remember that it is not the babys fault as well.I have a very open minded opinion when it comes to euthanasia however I do not endorse it. I understand that being left in the situation were euthanasia is an option is very difficult and I would hate to be the one to make a decision concerning it. If someone who was close to me was ill, and dying was the only way of alleviating their pain and it was their definite choice then I would probably fight to help his or her cause. However I do believe that involuntary euthanasia is wrong and that it is the same as committing a murder no matter how much the person who has done it believes it to be an act of mercy.My opinion on abortion is much stronger. I believe abortion on demand is very wrong. Contrac eptives are not hard to get and if those involved are thought responsible enough to have sex then they are also responsible enough to look after the child. Unfortunately this is not always the case. However there is another option of adoption. Many young parents who cannot have children would love an opportunity to raise a child and call it their own. This I believe is a much better decision. I do have more sympathy for girls who have been rapped and left pregnant but I believe that it would be better for the baby to be given up for adoption, as it was not the babys fault to begin with. I have reservations about babies who are endangering the life of the mother. I think a course of action should be taken up with doctors to decide what is best. If there was no chance of the baby living without the mother then abortion is ok as it is better to save one live than lose two.So to summarise my opinion I think that Euthanasia is more acceptable than abortion. As euthanasia is the taking of your own life, if the person is really so determined to die then I say let them and end their suffering. Abortion however is the taking of someone elses life and is not acceptable but I do have reservations about it.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Be Become a Rock Collector

How to Be Become a Rock Collector I like to collect rocks, and so do many other people I know. While you can purchase rock collecting starter kits, rock collecting is a great free activity. Its a fun excuse to go out into nature, many rock collectors like to travel to different places in order to collect different types of rocks. Some rock collectors like to learn all about the rocks they collect, while some base their collection on looks. What kind of collector are you? The Rock Collecting Types I think of a rock collector as someone who compiles rock and mineral specimens as an end in itself. Rock collectors come in a couple of  models: The rockhound is the most familiar: someone who enjoys hunting for unusual, rare or valuable minerals in organized group trips to mines. Rockhounds swap specimens with other collectors and may sell small amounts of material. Some tend to acquire piles of bulk rough that they may process later, but others may maintain exquisite cabinets of fine mounted minerals. They are hobbyists who may graduate to become dealers.The lapidary collects rocks to make things with them. I would include jewelers  in this category too: people who cut crystals and gemstones into jewelry making. They are hobbyists who may graduate to become artisans. That said, some people collect rocks as a means to an end. I dont call them rock collectors, although they certainly care about rocks: Geologists do study and collect rocks, but they arent rock collectors. Their collections have scientific or professional, not personal purposes.Mineral dealers arent rock collectors, even if they dig up their own material. Their collections are for sale, not for pleasure. Starting a Rock Collection You dont need to have been a coin (or stamp) collector to become a rock collector. But I was, and one personal rule I kept was to collect only rocks that Ive found myself. To me, the virtue in this is that Ive documented each stone and its context. It means that each of my stones is connected to an experience in the field. Each rock represents something I learned and stands as a reminder of somewhere Ive been. Building a Rock Collection My collection stays relatively small. Thats because Im a careful selector. You might call my practice, seeking a type specimen for each place I visit a single rock that displays the geological features of the site in miniature. There are other ways I can expand my collection as well. I could trade rocks with other collectors like many people do. But then I would need to take more rock back from my trips. This can have negative effects on the environment. Ive visited more than one outcrop that has been harvested out of existence, and I dont want to contribute to that problem. Besides, if no trading partner is interested the collecting has been a waste. In some locations, rock collecting is forbidden. Ive learned I can collect the forbidden or unfeasible, thanks to the camera. Photographing a rock and then leaving it behind allows me to collect without collecting. Photography protects the environment and gives me ample room at home to display the rocks I truly love. A word about the rock and mineral photos on the Web and on my site: Rock photos are generally good examples of the rock types youll see in the field. The same is not true for minerals, however. Mineral photos tend to favor spectacular specimens. I try as much as possible to avoid that approach in my mineral galleries because for me the point is to learn minerals from typical specimens, the way that students of rocks encounter them. Rock Collectors versus Mineral Collectors Rock collectors and mineral collectors are two different kinds of rockhound. Although both seek specimens that are good examples of their type, good rocks and good minerals never occur together. A good rock specimen contains all the right minerals in due proportion, but a good mineral specimen is always out of proportion for its rock type. Rock collectors are generally limited to whatever they can find or trade for because there is no market for rock specimens (except for educational starter collections). Little more is involved than trimming a hand specimen and recording where it was found. Mineral collectors, however, can shop for all kinds of rarities in rock shops and mineral shows; indeed, you can amass a great mineral collection without getting your hands dirty at all. And a major part of the hobby happens at home in the cleaning, mounting and displaying of mineral specimens.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

35 Fossil Words

35 Fossil Words 35 Fossil Words 35 Fossil Words By Mark Nichol Some of the most intriguing words in the English language are what linguists call fossil words, so named because they are artifacts from another era and survive only in isolated usage. Here is a list of some of our language’s fossil words with definitions and the idiomatic phrases in which they appear: 1. Ado: bother over unimportant details (â€Å"without further ado† or, more rarely, â€Å"much ado about nothing†) 2. Amok (or amuck): in an uncontrolled manner (â€Å"run amok†) 3. Bandy: hit, pass, or toss around, or discuss lightly or employ off-handedly (â€Å"bandy about†); bowed (â€Å"bandy-legged†) 4. Bated: restrained or deducted (â€Å"wait with bated breath†) 5. Batten: lumber for flooring or for sealing or strengthening a joint or a flexible object such as a sail (â€Å"board and batten†); to provide or fasten with battens, or to fasten (â€Å"batten down the hatches†) 6. Beck: summons (â€Å"at (one’s) beck and call†) 7. Bygones: what has passed or is in the past (â€Å"let bygones be bygones†) 8. Craw: stomach or crop (â€Å"sticks in (one’s) craw†) 9. Deserts: excellence or worth, or what is deserved or merited (â€Å"just deserts†) 10. Dint: force or power (â€Å"by (sheer) dint of†) 11. Dudgeon: indignation (â€Å"high dudgeon†) 12. Eke: accomplish or get with difficulty (â€Å"eke out†) 13. Fettle: state of health or fitness (â€Å"in fine fettle†) 14. Fro: away or back (â€Å"to and fro†) 15. Hale: sound or very healthy (â€Å"hale and hearty†) 16. Hither: near or adjacent, or to this place (â€Å"hither and yon†) 17. Immemorial: before memory or tradition (â€Å"time immemorial†) 18. Jetsam: what is cast overboard from a ship (â€Å"flotsam and jetsam†) distinguished from flotsam, a word denoting what floats from the wreckage of a ship (that term is used elsewhere than in the phrase â€Å"flotsam and jetsam† and so is not listed separately here) 19. Ken: range of knowledge, perception, or understanding, or view or range of vision (â€Å"beyond (one’s) ken†) 20. Kith: friends, neighbors, or relatives (â€Å"kith and kin†) 21. Loggerhead: blockhead (â€Å"at loggerheads,† meaning blocked, or stalled, by stubbornness); also, a type of turtle 22. Mettle: quality, or vigor or strength of, temperament (â€Å"test (one’s) mettle†) 23. Neap: a weak tide (â€Å"neap tide†) 24. Offing: the near future (â€Å"in the offing†); also, the deep ocean as seen from the shore 25. Petard: a container of explosives for breaching or breaking a barrier (â€Å"hoist by (one’s) petard†) 26. Shebang: everything that is pertinent (â€Å"the whole shebang†) 27. Shrift: confession (â€Å"short shrift,† with the idea that a condemned person is given little time to confess sins) 28. Sleight: stratagem, dexterity (â€Å"sleight of hand†) 29. Thither: more remote, or to that place (â€Å"hither and thither†) 30. Turpitude: depravity (â€Å"moral turpitude†) 31. Ulterior: beyond what is openly expressed (â€Å"ulterior motive†); also, farther, or more distant, or what is on the farther side 32. Vim: robustness (â€Å"vim and vigor†) 33. Wreak: bring about or cause (â€Å"wreak havoc†) 34. Wrought: manufactured, ornamented, or shaped, or excited (â€Å"wrought iron†) 35. Yore: the far past (â€Å"days of yore†) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and Toes15 Types of DocumentsConversational Email

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Catcher In The Rye Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Catcher In The Rye - Essay Example It is my opinion that Holden Caulfield became such a universally loved fictional character simply because of his humanity - equally because of his faults and his sensitivity. Sensitivity, yes, as strange as it might sound, but Holden did possess an astute mind, a keen eye, an unadulterated understanding of human nature and at times betrayed a sensitivity towards others that he usually hid under layers of abrasiveness and insolence. This rudeness was a defense mechanism employed by Holden to intentionally protect himself from his fellow men. In order to reach a deeper understanding of Holden, it is imperative to analyze the reason behind his rudeness. It is my opinion that Holden usually brushed people off and never showed them his true inner feelings because he was afraid of opening up and making himself vulnerable to others. He understood that human beings were just as capable of hurting as they were of loving and he did not take a chance with any of his relationships simply because he dreaded being hurt by the ones he chose to love. After Holden's passage from childhood to maturity he became increasingly aware of the "phoniness" of the world around him and craved the innocence and purity of his childhood days.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Womens Roles Then & Now Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Womens Roles Then & Now - Essay Example Physical labor was demanded, women now began to look after the home as men perform more physical duties, and the pattern was set. The role of women was to be a significant part of the entire society. Many historical feminists such as Alice Walker and Isabel Allende believed that women were necessary in order for the society to run smoothly. Women have been treated as unequal and far different from men (Majupuria, 1990). These feminists believed that although men were stronger physically than women, women had strengths far much superior in most areas. This made women more suited in life for certain responsibilities. This paper therefore seeks to address women’s role then and now. In so doing, the paper will script a conversation between two notable women from 18th and 19th century (Alice Walker and Isabel Allende) on the roles women should play in the society. In this conversation, the paper will include biographic details of the women, their historical status in the period the y lived, the opinion the held during the time they lived on the role women should play in the society, and what they might think about the current roles of women. Alice Walker, best referred to as the author of The Color Purple, was Georgia sharecropper’s eighth child. ... Alice Walker became known to a much wider audience in 1982 when The Color Purple came out. This brought both controversy and fame. She was criticized widely for portraying men negatively in The Color Purple. Alice Walker was credited with introducing for African American feminism the word â€Å"womanist†. Alice Walker took on the female circumcision in Africa in 1989 and 1992 in Possessing the Secret of Joy and The Temple of My Familiar. This brought further controversy on the role of women in the society and attracted questions whether Alice Walker was a cultural imperialist so as she could criticize other cultures. The works of Alice Walker are known for emphasis on women roles and portrayal of the life of African American life. She illustrates vividly the racism, poverty, and sexism that make a woman life a struggle. She also portrayed women as the strengths of the community and family, and as a person of self worth and spirituality. Most of Alice Walker’s novels sho w women in other history periods than our own. For example, she gives a sense of similarities and differences of the condition of women today and in the past. Alice Walker has continued to be active in feminist causes and matters of economic justice focusing on the role of women (Walker, 1998). Isabel Allende was born in Peru, Lima to a Chilean diplomat father. She lived with her divorced mother. Isabel Allende worked as a secretary and then journalist on television, print and in documentary movies. After the assassination and overthrow of Salvador Allende, her uncle, president of Chile in 1973, Isabel, her husband and children left for Venezuela for safety. It was during exile that Isabel begun to write her first novel,

Cultural Competence in Health Care Professional Practice Essay

Cultural Competence in Health Care Professional Practice - Essay Example Australia is an example of such a country that has experienced cultural diversity which has had immense impact on both professional and personal lives of healthcare professionals, critically affecting service delivery. In order for podiatrists, and indeed all the healthcare professionals in general, to deliver healthcare to the desired levels, cultural diversity should be put into consideration in practice, promoting a culturally safe environment and acquire cultural competence. In basic terms, culture describes an assortment of beliefs and behaviours to which a particular group ascribes and passes on from one generation to another. Adler (2004) defines equity as trait of fairness and impartiality; diversity as an array of various things; and competence as a suitable application of attributes and knowledge through the actions and behaviours of an individual. As such, cultural competence could be defined as the possession of attributes and knowledge that foster understanding of a wide array of beliefs and behaviours of diverse groups of people and applying it equitably. For healthcare professionals, including podiatrists, to attain cultural competence, Betancourt (2002) argues that they would have to exhibit attributes and behaviours that would promote their ability to effectively work with people from diverse cultures. i. Value diversity and accept cultural differences - The element of valuing diversity and accepting cultural differences requires one to keep an open mind to the environment and view each situations without bias. It should be appreciated that in any given environment, each person is different and would therefore have unique values and beliefs. ii. Possess cultural self-assessment capacity and an understanding of own culture – Cultural self-assessment capacity and understanding own culture implies the need to be able to critically comprehend one’s belief system. This requires unbiased approach

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Steroids in sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Steroids in sports - Essay Example We have witnessed suspension of different players due to the reason that they were involved in taking steroids for enhancing their performance. The steroids are unhealthy for the body and can affect the human body in several ways, and this is the main reason why its usage is unethical. Steroids are illegal and banned in countries for different reasons, but it is still imported and produced illegally. Steroids are harmful for its users and it can badly affect their health. Regular use of steroids can also become a reason of liver cancer and can cause death of the patient (Murray, 1-25). Everyone loves sport, and people want to see ethical game. Mostly youngsters consider players as their role models and ideals, and when they see players taking steroids or drugs to improve their performance, it negatively affects them. The players usually take steroids in two different forms, either in the form of pills or in the form of injections. The physicians should take proper care before prescribing any drug or steroid to their patients. It can badly affect or harm their health. As use of steroid in countries, physicians should make sure that they avoid prescribing any such drugs to their patients at any cost. Steroids damage the skin of the users and internally damage the organs of the human being. It gives strength, muscles, and excessive power for the time being, after that, the players feels worse. These steroids also have side effects, and its users can die because of it. Players should consult doctors only for their fitness and health issues, and should strongly be against any drugs or steroids that can harm their health. Physician and doctors should take blood tests of their patients, so that even if the players are involved in taking steroids, they should stop them and take measures for preventing its usage. The use of steroids is an

Business or Transaction Cycle Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business or Transaction Cycle - Coursework Example Expenditure Cycle: The expenditure cycle is related to the gaining of premises, resources, or manufactured components and the use of labor to capitulate a finished product. Human Resources / Payroll Cycle: In a human resource cycle, there are 7 needs of a company. 1) Business needs 2) job competencies 3) the hiring process 4) Learning and development 5) performance assessment 6) continued learning and training 7) total rewards. Financing Cycle: In the financing cycle, the dependent industries are strongly affected by slump periods if situated in poor countries with poor financial facilities. General Ledger and Reporting Systems: General Ledger comprises all the fiscal accounts. Data Processing Cycles: It’s a sequence that consists of four stages and they’re as follows. 1) Collection 2) input 3) processing and storage 4) output. Source Documents: These are the original documents recorded with the bookkeeping entries. They can be either in written or printed form. Turnaround Documents: It is a document that is created by a computer to be used for the record entry. Once it has been generated by the computer, it is then filled in by the users and used to input the data back into the computer. Source data Automation: It’s a process of collecting the original data from their source. It eradicates the duplicate effort and the chance of possible error by gathering records in digital form. General Ledger: It comprises of all the fiscal accounts. Subsidiary Ledger: It shows the total balance of the general ledger account. Control Account: It shows the total of all amounts entered in the Subsidiary Ledger. Coding: The putting in order of replies into groups and the task of an exclusive arithmetical code to each reply proceeding to data entry. Sequence Code: It’s a three character code that identifies the order in which categories are shown or arranged. Block Code: It’s a fixed length code, unlike other codes.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Steroids in sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Steroids in sports - Essay Example We have witnessed suspension of different players due to the reason that they were involved in taking steroids for enhancing their performance. The steroids are unhealthy for the body and can affect the human body in several ways, and this is the main reason why its usage is unethical. Steroids are illegal and banned in countries for different reasons, but it is still imported and produced illegally. Steroids are harmful for its users and it can badly affect their health. Regular use of steroids can also become a reason of liver cancer and can cause death of the patient (Murray, 1-25). Everyone loves sport, and people want to see ethical game. Mostly youngsters consider players as their role models and ideals, and when they see players taking steroids or drugs to improve their performance, it negatively affects them. The players usually take steroids in two different forms, either in the form of pills or in the form of injections. The physicians should take proper care before prescribing any drug or steroid to their patients. It can badly affect or harm their health. As use of steroid in countries, physicians should make sure that they avoid prescribing any such drugs to their patients at any cost. Steroids damage the skin of the users and internally damage the organs of the human being. It gives strength, muscles, and excessive power for the time being, after that, the players feels worse. These steroids also have side effects, and its users can die because of it. Players should consult doctors only for their fitness and health issues, and should strongly be against any drugs or steroids that can harm their health. Physician and doctors should take blood tests of their patients, so that even if the players are involved in taking steroids, they should stop them and take measures for preventing its usage. The use of steroids is an

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Canadian Liberalism vs Canadian Conservatism Essay

Canadian Liberalism vs Canadian Conservatism - Essay Example At one side, liberals are progressively change and reform oriented. On the other, conservatives rely on self-induced political conduct that is relatively resistant to massive and outright reforms. In the Canadian context, liberal and conservative parties hugely disagree on governance, economy, and taxes. Notably this disconnection can be explained by the left-right ideology. The Liberal Party takes policy positions that advocate for equality of opportunity, true fiscal responsibility, and relatively raised taxes for a sustainable economy (Canadian Liberal Party, 2013). On the other hand, the Conservative Party stands for balanced budgets, Canadians-driven economy, and low taxes; leave more money with the Canadians (Canadian Conservative Party, 2013). In the light of the liberal-conservative policy positions, the left-right ideology comes into play. Progressing and reforming the economy may necessitate economic changes in the country, taxes included. The conservative view of creating jobs, promoting economic growth, and ensuring long-term economic prosperity (Canadian Conservative Party, 2013) may not necessary result in equality of opportunities. Also, leaving more money in the hands of Canadians may negate the balanced budget realization. Liberal approach to these matters makes the Liberal Party’s ideology more leftish and essentially aligned with its social, economic, and political policy

Monday, October 14, 2019

Anything Is Possible Essay Example for Free

Anything Is Possible Essay Elaine has sued Jerry because Jerry fired her. Elaine was on the job for two months. The job offer letter she had been given mentioned the great career opportunities at the company and stated that her annual salary would be $30,000. The employer is an employment at will employer. Elaine was given no reason for the termination. After the termination, Jerry hired a man named Kramer, who had less job experience and education than Elaine, for the position. Elaine has sued to get her job back. The result of this particular scenario has the opportunity to go either way. Jerry fired Elaine, a female, after just two months of working for him, and then Jerry hired a man. Elaine believes that Jerry fired her for discrimination against her gender. Since it is illegal to fire an individual due to their race, color, national origin, sex, or religion (Cheeseman, 2007, p. 428), Elaine sued Jerry. It is perfectly understandable to see why Elaine believes Jerry fired her discriminately. Elaine worked for Jerry for only two months before she was terminated for no given reason. This raises a red flag as two months is hardly enough time to effectively demonstrate how hard of a worker one is. I believe it takes around six to eight months for a person to become knowledgeable about their position and become completely comfortable in performing their essential job tasks. Elaine would still be in the learning phase of her new job at two months. Jerry immediately hired a male, Kramer, after he terminated Elaine. Kramer had less work experience and education than Elaine, but Jerry hired him anyway. It is very easy to see why Elaine feels the way she does in this situation, however, she cannot read Jerry’s mind. It is very possible that Jerry fired Elaine for a legitimate reason and chose not to share this with her. Elaine may have produced a rather large error in her part that she overlooked and either cost the company a lot of money or reputation. Perhaps Jerry realized this and fired Elaine for this reason and did not wish to tell her in order to prevent embarrassment from either party. Jerry may have a good friend who referred Kramer to him. This friend may have informed Jerry on what kind of employee Kramer is and how quickly and efficiently he can learn the job based on past work experience. Anything is possible and possibilities are everywhere. What is meant by this is that nothing is black and white. A situation may be presented one way, but may actually be the exact opposite. You must be open minded in situations. Understanding that discrimination in the workplace is unfortunately common, it does not mean that Elaine is a victim of it. My personal belief is that Elaine would have rightfully sued Jerry unless if he can produce strong evidence of some sort of wrong doing on Elaine’s part.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Creating A Database For Student Information System Computer Science Essay

Creating A Database For Student Information System Computer Science Essay A database brings convenient to todays working area such as large business company. The main purpose of a database is just similar to handling and keep large amount of files and documents in a large cabinet. However this method takes a large space and will be complicated to control and organized. This is why a database is introduced to keep these data organized to allow users to access, retrieve, and use of the data without any hassle. DBMS or Database Management System is software that used to set up a database, creating a database requires planning and gets to know what kind of data will be imputed. Creating a database will be easier after a simple table is constructed. In this assignment, a Student Information System is used as an example to keep student information in a database. Moreover Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access are example software provided by database vendor that used to create a database. Other than Student Information System as stated above, this software allows changes in database such as adding student entity relationship to expand the database. Microsoft Access is used to create Student Information System Entity Relationship(ER) because it has user-friendly interface compared to oracle and yet it is still a powerful tool to create a simple database. Define Question 1 1.0 What is Database and why is it needed? A database is a collection of various types of stored data so it can be used for operation purposes. These data can be organized in different modal such as hierarchical, network and relational models depend which one is suitable for that particular operation. A database plays an important role in many fields such as large companies, colleges as well as super markets we visit daily. Most of databases are being used in large business company which they often record their purchases, sales and keep track with employees information. Database record, store and process data to generate a variety of information for decision-making at the various levels in an organization or business company. However large number of information cannot be handle by just human alone this is why a database is used to complete these tasks accurate, relevant and timely. There are many advantages when database is used because: It helps reduces data redundancy. Has high processing speed to manage data in a very short time. It allows data sharing among different users. Maintain data independence to keep database safe even if one data is corrupted. Have better security because of different levels of access privileges controlled. It avoids data inconsistency. Reduces storage requirements. A database will not run on its own without software. Similar to computer, a computer will be useless without an operating system. This is why DBMS (Database Management System) is required in order running and allows manipulation in database. DBMS is software that uses SQL (Structured Query Language) that is a programming language that manages data in a database. SQL Manager for Oracle 1.1.0 Database of a Student Information System The concept of a database can be easily understood because it is similar if we create a table that stores different kind of information. It is encouraged to plan the database by making a simple table so that it will be easier when creating in DBMS. In this case Student Information System is created to store all students related information such as their index numbers, home addresses, gender and so on. The concept is started with record, which is a collection of related fields of an entity. Each record consists of several data Index Number First Name Last Name Age Gender Address Course Grade S0001 Julia Yasmin 17 F 13 Hibiscus Road BM A Student Information System in a College Index Number First Name Last Name Age Gender Address Course Grade Fee Paid S0001 Julia Yasmin 17 F 13 Hibiscus Road BM A Yes S0002 Nicholas Wong 18 M 24 Metro Street IT A Yes S0003 Niko Bellic 18 M 53 Hove Beach IT B No S0004 David Kim 17 M 4 Lake Garden IT B No S0005 Carl Johnson 18 M 77 Park Lane BM C No S0006 John Kay 17 M 22 Lin Seng Park BM B Yes S0007 Jasmine Stewart 17 F 16 Park Lane BM B Yes S0008 Tony Murphy 19 M 55 Brooker Road IT C Yes S0009 Tina Shaw 18 F 31 Hibiscus Road BM A No S0010 David Ford 18 M 28 Lake Garden IT C No Keyword: BM = Business Management, IT = Information Technology The table above shows that all student information is recorded in detail of a college. Index Number is created to identify each student. All different single line of records are grouped together to form a 10 records table. The table is also known as file, which is a collection of related records and these data will be stored in colleges main database. Primary Key A primary key is similar to Internet search engine (Google), for example when you search for the word food, immediately all food related websites and pictures would display. Each file may need a primary key in a database, which is an important key name for searching a particular record in the file as well as identify each record uniquely within relation. Primary key can be consists of index number or name because they have their unique name or integers. However primary key cannot be address because the name is long. When a database grows larger, these primary keys will be very important to help user to find particular data they needed. 1.2.0 The Relationship between Tables Since the database is related to student information, this table may be shared in several departments such as casher, lecturers, class and students overall examination grade. This relationship is known as Relation Model, which is basically consists of a set of interrelated tables. Data in a relational model are stored in two-dimensional tables. Each department will have different privilege to access different type of data and only display the information they need. Below is the shared information in several departments. 1.2.1 Casher Colleges Casher Index Number Casher Index First Name Last Name Age Gender Course Fee Paid S0001 C101 Julia Yasmin 17 F BM Yes S0002 C102 Nicholas Wong 18 M IT Yes S0003 C103 Niko Bellic 18 M IT No S0004 C104 David Kim 17 M IT No S0005 C105 Carl Johnson 18 M BM No S0006 C106 John Kay 17 M BM Yes S0007 C107 Jasmine Stewart 17 F BM Yes S0008 C108 Tony Murphy 19 M IT Yes S0009 C109 Tina Shaw 18 F BM No S0010 C110 David Ford 18 M IT No Primary Key: Casher Index The table shows that all necessary information required in casher such as fee paid and casher index to track students that are not yet paid their tuition fee. While students addresses and examination grade are hidden to reduce complexity because it is not necessary. This is called as external view because it allows user to have own view of the database. 1.2.2 Student list in a particular course Lecturers will have their own student list depend on which course they in charge. Since in real colleges database may consist over hundred of students, working with a large table can be troublesome and complicated. To make it easy, this large table will be needed to break up into two related table, which are Business Management and Information Technology classes. This concept is called data normalization. Normalization makes data more manageable and allows many data to be shared in just one database. This is because it removes data inconsistency as data is modified in one place as well as reduces storage requirement and data redundancy. Business Management Course (BM) Index Number Examination ID First Name Last Name Age Gender Course S0001 E1001 Julia Yasmin 17 F BM S0005 E1005 Carl Johnson 18 M BM S0006 E1006 John Kay 17 M BM S0007 E1007 Jasmine Stewart 17 F BM S0009 E1009 Tina Shaw 18 F BM Primary Key: Index Number Information Technology Course (IT) Index Number Examination ID First Name Last Name Age Gender Course S0002 E1002 Nicholas Wong 18 M IT S0003 E1003 Niko Bellic 18 M IT S0004 E1004 David Kim 17 M IT S0008 E1008 Tony Murphy 19 M IT S0010 E1010 David Ford 18 M IT Primary Key: Index Number The tables show that two different tables, which are Business Management Course and Information Technology Course. Students and their course can be easily indentified after the table is separated into two. We can clearly know that IT students are all male and both courses have equally five students each. 1.2.3 Students Examination Grade Index Number Examination ID First Name Last Name Course Grade S0001 E1001 Julia Yasmin BM A S0002 E1002 Nicholas Wong IT A S0003 E1003 Niko Bellic IT B S0004 E1004 David Kim IT B S0005 E1005 Carl Johnson BM C S0006 E1006 John Kay BM B S0007 E1007 Jasmine Stewart BM B S0008 E1008 Tony Murphy IT C S0009 E1009 Tina Shaw BM A S0010 E1010 David Ford IT C Primary Key: Examination ID The above table shows all students examination grade in the entire college and it is stored in Students examination database. This table is required for students certificate printout and act as a primary place for tracking student examination grade. Overall, all the tables had mentioned are the examples on how Students Information System is recorded in a college. This is a basic and very important step for a new user before data is record in Database Management software. Define Question 2 2.0.0 Student Information System Entity Relationship(ER) model We already know all the relationship between previous tables of Student Information System. However create a table only helps to know the concept of a database creation. In order to make these tables and their relationship more efficient and easy organized, database software is required. Therefore these tables are needed to transfer to Microsoft Access. With Microsoft Access, information in each column can be easily created. Creating relational tables will be faster because column of data can be copied from one table to others. 2.1.0 Relationship between tables in Microsoft Access 2.1.1 Primary Key Before tables can relate each other, a primary key is needed to declare in each table. The image above shows that primary key is declared in Students in Design View. A small key symbol (marked as small red circle) shows that Index Number has declared to primary key with primary key tool clicked (marked as large red circle). A particular field that needed to become primary key is highlighted and then Primary Key tool is clicked. 2.1.2 Relationship Chart Creating relationship between tables is easy because Microsoft Access has user-friendly interface, simply drag a data from one table to others and the relation line will appears Tables must link correctly in order to view their relationship. Primary Keys are linked to another tables, for example if we compare Students table with Casher table, Casher Index will become primary key while Index Number becomes foreign key. Note that small key symbol represents which data is primary key. Moreover, tables like Students and Examination Grade are having more than one matching table, which is called as parent table while the table they linked to are child tables. This relationship is called as One-to-Many relationship between different records or tables. 2.1.3 Relationship between Students and Casher Students The Student Information System is recorded into Microsoft Access as shown in image above. These information consists of students index number, which is an unique code that identifies each students. Other information such as First name, Last name, Age, Gender, Addresses and so on are also recorded inside this table. Casher The data in Casher table has created to record students fee paid. Some field such as Index Number and Course are shared together with Student table. Relationship between Students and Casher The table above shows the relationship between Students and Casher. From the first record we can clearly see Julia Yasmins casher index, course and her fee payment. While the last record we can identify that David Ford is in IT course and he is not yet pay his fee. The dropdown table will only appear when the relationship is linked correctly with relevant primary key from each table. 2.1.4 Relationship between Students Course and Students Examination Business Management Class Information Technology Class Business Management and Information Technology classes are separated into two different tables. These tables are also linked together with Students Examination Grade, which is to reveal their examination grade when it is opened. A drop down table from the tables above show that students examination grade is revealed. Two different dropdown tables is shown (marked as red colour border), when we look at the Information Technology Class. We can easily identify Nicholas Wongs examination ID, which is E1002 and gets grade A in examination. Similar to Tony Murphy, which has examination ID of E1008 and gets grade C in the examination. Students Examination Grade The table above shows the entire examination grade among every student, which exactly contains the same record from the table we had created from Question 1 (Page 9). As mentioned before, Students Examination Grade is linked to Students Course and this allows records also appear in Information Technology and Business Management Course. Overall, the tables in Microsoft Access made Student Information System organized in good manner and made user easily retrieve, access and view all students information in short time. Conclusion and Recommendation Information is an important resource in any organization and it must be properly managed. Database plays an important role because it allows information to be stored and organized in good manner. To handle large amount of information such as Student Information System, creating several tables is required to store different data such as name, index numbers, age and so on. Creating a database also requires knowledge on how data relate each other and their model. Learning Microsoft Access will be a good start for a beginner to learn and practice how database works even though it is not powerful enough compared to other database management software. Since nowadays jobs are relying on technology, having computer knowledge is very important to keep ourselves not to be outdated. Similarly, people with knowledge of database will have better job opportunity because most large business and manufacturing company will hire them. Bibliography Oppel Andy, 2009, Database a Beginners Guide, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, USA Anderson Virginia, 2001, How to do everything with Access 2002, McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, USA MacMillan, Andy Huff, Brian, Transforming Info glut! A Pragmatic Strategy for Oracle Enterprise Content Management, 2008, McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, USA P.Sellappan, 2002, Information Technology in Business, Fourth edition, Federal Publication Sdn Berhad, Malaysia James L. Johnson, 1997, Database Models, Languages, Design, , Oxford University Press Inc, USA Shelly Vermaat, 2009, Discovering Computer 2009, Complete Edition, Shelly Cashman Series, United States of America SQL Manager for Oracle 2007, View from File Transit, SQL Manager for Oracle, online, retrieved 12 October 2010, from Primary Definition, 2010, online, retrieved 12 October 2010, from

Saturday, October 12, 2019

O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones Essay -- O’Neill Emperor Jones Race Black

O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones In Eugene O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones, Emperor Brutus Jones is an African American male who has risen, â€Å"from stowaway to Emperor (of Haiti) in two years† (343). Jones looks down upon his subjects, viewing them as nothing but animals, even though they are African just like himself. As payback, Jones himself goes through a transformation which dehumanizes him and gives him very primal, animal related characteristics. Through this juxtaposition, O’Neill makes his play a critique of the dehumanizing effects people in power have had over the black race. One of the first characters introduced in the play, the old native woman, has been completely dehumanized by the Emperor’s reign. When she realizes she cannot escape or reason with the regime, which is represented in her scene through Smithers, she immediately dehumanizes herself. The woman, â€Å"seeing the uselessness of struggling, gives way to frantic terror, and sinks to the ground, embracing his knees supplicatingly† (340). The woman is no longer a human being. She is not on an equal playing field with those that have oppressed her. Words like uselessness, frantic, sinks, and supplicatingly, all serve to show she believes she has no other option but to allow the regime to dehumanize her. The fact that she sinks to the ground, shows that she is tired and has been dehumanized for so long, treated as property for so long, there is no point in hoping for anything different. She just accepts the dehumanization now. Struggling to be viewed as a human being is equ ated with a useless action. Later in the scene, the woman further proves the Emperor has complete control over her. She states, â€Å"Him sleep† (341). The use of the word Him is intere... ...anization has been completed. The scene directions of scene seven state, â€Å"Jones’ voice is heard from the left rising and falling in the long, despairing wail of the chained slaves† (359). He is unified with the slaves. His ability to speak along with the slaves has been taken away. They have been dehumanized to a wail, a sound or noise, much in the same way animals are reduced to speaking in noises. Jones does not fight or try to kill these rowers. He realizes this is his history, and how wrong he was to enslave and dehumanize his fellow members of the black race. This realization is shown when he states, â€Å"Oh Gorry, I’se skeered in dis place! I’se skeered. Oh Lawd, pertect dis sinner!† (359). He is afraid just like all blacks would have been in the slave ships. He no longer is trying to exert power over those members of his own race that are less fortunate than him.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Identify how the management works on the contemporary Issues In leadership Developing trust Build up a good trust is very important in Catchy Pacific and its departments. It can make every leader like a model or standard to their employees, so leader must be honesty, ability, good Judgment or willingness to share ideas with every employee; it can keep a good relationship between employers and employees.So, a good leader can show the positive Image and able to Inspire other employees. Catchy Pacific Is able to take responsibility to the social (charitable and donation or sustainable development) and able to build up a good trust to its passenger (provide well services, no delete) and employees (benefits and profits). Empowering employees Employee empowerment Is a strategy and philosophy that employees can make decisions about their Jobs.It helps employees own their work and take responsibility for their results. Top Manager in Catchy Pacific are giving their authority or empowerment t o the front-line managers such as customer service manager and subordinates employees such as flight attendant to make decisions of some unimportant things, such as Andre customers' complain with solve the problem or give some discount to the loyalty customer etc.The benefits of empowering employees can quicker responses to problems and solving the problems; and faster decision as subordinates employees do not need to report to their upper manager, it can be save more time and effectiveness and increased spans of control to address other problems, such as how to enhance the company profits.Cross-cultural leadership Cross-cultural leadership is deferent nationalities leader has different leadership performance to managing their employees. Catchy Pacific Airlines Is an International alertness company. It was 22, 200 different nationalities employees In the world (until August 2014) that would be a multiple cultural background in the company. The top manager level since the chairman of John Solar is an American; the CEO of Ivan Chug is a Chinese.For example, southerner American leading a group of from the northern American would be exercising cross-cultural leadership because of regional differences In However, a Korean leader managing a group of Korean employees in Seoul and a group of Korean employees in Bangkok may not be engaging in cross-cultural leadership because the leader and the led are separated by physical space and not y cognitive space. Gender differences and leadership There are male/female differences in managing positions in leadership.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Jersey Shore Analysis

Jersey Shore’s Unrealistic â€Å"Reality† Jersey Shore, on MTV, is a wonderful model of reality television gone wrong. It is definitely one of the worst shows on TV, but has become one of the most popular. The cast of Jersey Shore reinforces negative stereotypes of Italian-Americans, and shows relationships and sex in an extremely negative light. Racial slurs are a part of everyday vocabulary, relationships are all about fighting and infidelity, and sexual activity is no big deal. The cast’s interactions with others show men and women negatively also. These images can have a negative effect on many of the shows young viewers. Although many people recognize the show’s lack of substance, they can’t seem to stop watching it, which only gives the impression that all of these things are acceptable. This show is definitely more than just a bad show, it negatively portrays groups of people, and downplays important issues. The plot of Jersey Shore involves cast members we’re led to believe are all Italian-American, living together in a house. The cast members take pride in their Italian heritage, and boast about it often. They talk about their roots, while using a racial slur when referring to Italians. They use it the same way many African-Americans use the â€Å"N† word. The Italian-American community was very offended by their nonchalant attitude towards the slur. The cast members show Italians in a negative and biased way. The lifestyles portrayed on Jersey Shore shine an extremely negative light on relationships and sexual activity. Relationships are avoided like a plague, and sex and making out are treated as if they’re no big deal. When the cast goes out drinking and partying, their drunkenness almost always gives way to promiscuity. They make out with strangers in bars, and bring random people home constantly. This gives a negative image to young people about sex. Only a few people on the show didn’t avoid serious relationships. Their relationships do not show relationships in a positive light either. There is constant arguing and infidelity. Some of the people in the relationships allow themselves to be mistreated all the time, which gives a negative example to younger people. If your only examples of sexual activity and relationships came from images like this, you could develop an extremely unhealthy lifestyle. The cast of Jersey Shore also sheds a negative light on all people. The show constantly shows people fighting, arguing, â€Å"hooking up†, and men disrespecting women. Whenever the group of people goes out, there’s almost always a fight. They drink, and they fight with other belligerent people. They, especially the guys, are constantly hooking up with strangers in bars. When they aren’t hooking up with a woman, it’s probably because they’re calling her disrespectful names, and making fun of her appearance. Everyone curses all the time, and the guys use homophobic slurs. Their personalities only represent the negativity we try avoid. Jersey Shore is a â€Å"Reality Show† that does not accurately depict real life. The real people have been turned into characters that reinforce negative stereotypes of Italians, and â€Å"good-looking† people, by acting out, using racial slurs, and disrespecting people they feel are below them (physically). They’re behavior also shows relationships and sexual activity in a negative light. Relationships are either non-existent, or unhealthy. Hooking up and having sex with strangers is an everyday occurrence. Jersey Shore is considered terrible TV by many of its viewers, but they can’t seem to stop watching it. All the fights, hookups, and break ups keep everyone coming back for more. Jersey Shore Analysis Jersey Shore’s Unrealistic â€Å"Reality† Jersey Shore, on MTV, is a wonderful model of reality television gone wrong. It is definitely one of the worst shows on TV, but has become one of the most popular. The cast of Jersey Shore reinforces negative stereotypes of Italian-Americans, and shows relationships and sex in an extremely negative light. Racial slurs are a part of everyday vocabulary, relationships are all about fighting and infidelity, and sexual activity is no big deal. The cast’s interactions with others show men and women negatively also. These images can have a negative effect on many of the shows young viewers. Although many people recognize the show’s lack of substance, they can’t seem to stop watching it, which only gives the impression that all of these things are acceptable. This show is definitely more than just a bad show, it negatively portrays groups of people, and downplays important issues. The plot of Jersey Shore involves cast members we’re led to believe are all Italian-American, living together in a house. The cast members take pride in their Italian heritage, and boast about it often. They talk about their roots, while using a racial slur when referring to Italians. They use it the same way many African-Americans use the â€Å"N† word. The Italian-American community was very offended by their nonchalant attitude towards the slur. The cast members show Italians in a negative and biased way. The lifestyles portrayed on Jersey Shore shine an extremely negative light on relationships and sexual activity. Relationships are avoided like a plague, and sex and making out are treated as if they’re no big deal. When the cast goes out drinking and partying, their drunkenness almost always gives way to promiscuity. They make out with strangers in bars, and bring random people home constantly. This gives a negative image to young people about sex. Only a few people on the show didn’t avoid serious relationships. Their relationships do not show relationships in a positive light either. There is constant arguing and infidelity. Some of the people in the relationships allow themselves to be mistreated all the time, which gives a negative example to younger people. If your only examples of sexual activity and relationships came from images like this, you could develop an extremely unhealthy lifestyle. The cast of Jersey Shore also sheds a negative light on all people. The show constantly shows people fighting, arguing, â€Å"hooking up†, and men disrespecting women. Whenever the group of people goes out, there’s almost always a fight. They drink, and they fight with other belligerent people. They, especially the guys, are constantly hooking up with strangers in bars. When they aren’t hooking up with a woman, it’s probably because they’re calling her disrespectful names, and making fun of her appearance. Everyone curses all the time, and the guys use homophobic slurs. Their personalities only represent the negativity we try avoid. Jersey Shore is a â€Å"Reality Show† that does not accurately depict real life. The real people have been turned into characters that reinforce negative stereotypes of Italians, and â€Å"good-looking† people, by acting out, using racial slurs, and disrespecting people they feel are below them (physically). They’re behavior also shows relationships and sexual activity in a negative light. Relationships are either non-existent, or unhealthy. Hooking up and having sex with strangers is an everyday occurrence. Jersey Shore is considered terrible TV by many of its viewers, but they can’t seem to stop watching it. All the fights, hookups, and break ups keep everyone coming back for more.

Causal Argument: Does Violence In The Media Affect Children

Violence is found all around us in the media. Parents are becoming worried about what their children are exposed to. There has been an ongoing debate as to whether violence in the media can affect children to imitate acts of violence. After much research I have found there is a link between watching violence, and committing acts of violence. Children who are exposed to excessive amounts of violence on television, in video games, and through song lyrics, than children who are not, are much more likely to commit acts of violence later in their lives. Many wonder if watching violence on television can influence individuals to act violently, and many studies have found a link between viewing violence on TV and committing acts of violence later in life. For example, University of Michigan psychologists Leonard Eron and Rowell Huesmann conducted a study spanning decades where they watched over 800 preschoolers, and followed them until adulthood to see how television violence affected them. The study concluded that children who watched excessive amounts of television tended to be more aggressive towards other children. Eron and Huesman checked back with the preschoolers eleven and twenty two years ago, and found that the aggressive preschools became even more aggressive as they got older with more acts of domestic violence, and more traffic tickets than their peers. Many experts also believe that when children view violence on television they try to imitate what they see. For instance, there was an incident when a five year old, while watching the cartoon Beavis and Butthead saw the characters bsession with fire, and decided to light his house on fire, which killed his little sister (Children, Media and Violence). Not only are children exposed to violence on television, violence is also found in video games. With the recent advancements in technology, video games are looking more and more realistic every day. With the introduction of better video games systems, and graphics, video games are becoming increasingly popular with children and teenagers. Some might argue that video games cannot influence young people, because they are aware that the games are fantasy, but studies conducted by the Surgeon General and a National Institute of Mental Health concluded that the more realistic something looks, the more likely it will be learned. This simply means that the more realistic something looks, the more influential it will be to the individual viewing it. (American Academy of Pediatrics Online). The National Institute of Mental Health also claims that children up to age eight cannot distinguish between real life and fantasy, so when they play these games they believe that committing acts of violence is an effective form of problem solving. The National Coalition on Television Violence found that in Mortal Kombat, one of the best selling video games of all time, your object is not just to kill your opponent, but to master your skills at doing so (Children Youth and Family Consortium Electronic Clearinghouse). This kind of play has to affect children. People are most impressionistic when they are young, and they learn by their actions. They win the game for killing everyone. This teaches makes them more tolerant of violence, and more likely to commit violent crimes later in life. Music is another form of media, which influences children and teenagers. In 1995, Entertainment Monitor reported that only 10 out of the top 40 popular CD s on sale during the holiday season were free of profanity, or lyrics dealing with drugs, violence, and sex. Rap superstar, Eminem s CD titled, The Marshall Mathers LP as already sold more than 4. 1 million albums, and is currently at the top of the music charts (Billboard. com) has already stirred up tons of controversy with its lyrics. The Marshall Mathers LP has songs titled Criminal, Drug Ballad, and Kill You. According to Eminem s success, this is what people enjoy listening to. They do not seem bothered by the language or subjects. Not only are the lyrics explicitly violent, but they do influence the children who listen to it. Rap music is not the only genre of music containing violent lyrics. There was an incident where a teenager shot his parents, and claimed that listing to music by gothic artist Marilyn Manson drove him to such extremes. Marilyn Manson has created a whole new trend among young people. They call their look gothic and wear black clothing. Sometimes they paint their faces white, and wear dog collars, much like their idol Manson. If there is someone to blame for all this violence in our media, it would be the entertainment industry; however, they argue that they are giving the public what they want. This is not a true statement according to Michael Medved, who has written books where he analyzed media violence. Medved analyzed all films that were released between 1980 and 1992 and found that family films earned more than twice as much on average as violent films. This data is surprising considering that violent films made up over sixty percent of the films released. So, is the public really getting what they want The entertainment industry also claims that television does not harm children, because they can distinguish between what is real and what is fake. Once again, they are wrong. Many preschoolers while watching Sesame Street cannot tell whether the Muppets are real or fake. They do not comprehend that Big Bird is really a man dressed up in a costume (American Academy of Pediatrics). In conclusion, violence in the media does not seem to be going away. It is all around our children; on television, in video games, and in music. Until the entertainment industry decides to limit the amount of violence we are exposed to, it will always be a problem. Then again, without the media who knows where we would be today. We might live in a much safer society.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Bradley effect Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bradley effect - Assignment Example He lost to Republican George Deukmejian.† (CNN) Some researchers believe that the Bradley effect is just an attempt to come up with an excuse for the inaccurate results of flawed opinion polling practices (Keeler, Scott and Nilanthi Samaranayake 2007). There have been several explanations given as the cause of these polling errors, but it is generally believed that some voters, due to societal pressure, are not very forthcoming in their answers during the pre-election polls. It is believed that some white voters are concerned about being labeled as racially prejudiced, and so do not fully declare their support for white candidates in the polls before the actual elections. â€Å"A recent study found that the possibility of the Bradley effect, while the last finding suggested the possibility of a "reverse" Bradley effect in which black voters might have been reluctant to declare to pollsters their support for Obama or are under polled.† (North Carolina Statewide Survey Res earch Report 2008) President Barack Obama did not really suffer this phenomenon in the presidential elections because although this issue is something to be concerned about, it clearly is not as serious an issue as it was in the 1980s. It is notable that both racial attitudes and polling techniques have undergone a lot of change since the Bradley effect was first noticed.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Staffing Handbook of Global Communications Incorporation Assignment

Staffing Handbook of Global Communications Incorporation - Assignment Example It requires talented human resources from different segments to man various positions in the company, and the availability of sufficient manpower is crucial to the operational success of the company. The company’s vision is to become a world-renowned provider of communication service to a global community and attain the position of the leader in this industry. It currently plans to expand its operation to South America and African nations. Its mission is to provide excellent communication services to the global community, with a specific focus on after-sales services. It also aspires to become the best corporate to the employees by providing them best competitive remuneration and working conditions apart from being a socially responsible organization. The company also lays emphasis on best ethical practices and exemplary leadership qualities. Companies need to adopt appropriate strategies to staff their organization with suitable human resources in order to ensure the execution of relevant tasks in time so as to enable them to run their operations smoothly. Strategic staffing can be understood as a â€Å"process of identifying and addressing† the implications of staffing on various strategies and plans that the organization implements in their day to day functioning (Bechet, 2002, p.7). Global Communications Inc perceives strategic staffing as a process of understanding staffing implications on the operations being conducted at various levels in the organization as well as in providing a seamless flow of after-sales services. Being involved in the area of communications, which is a major element in the modern world, our organizations need to maintain a high level of quality and service in our employees for attaining overall efficiency. Being in the service sector we also need to make sure of the availability of sk illed human resources at all levels.