Saturday, December 28, 2019

Music And Community Native American Music - 1199 Words

CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY Northridge Music and Community: Native American Music A paper submitted in partial satisfaction of the Requirements for MUS 309, Lecturer: â€Å"Gee† Rabe By Abhimanyu Ranjit Lalchandani Spring 2015 Introduction This paper will demonstrate the various analysis of the Native America music and some details about history of Native American Music and themes which represents the religion and music. It also gives importance’s to the music which are used based on the events and their significances of the person related towards the history. The broad view points of the Native American music which give the reasons why the songs are interested in the light of enjoying it. Analysis of Native America Music Native†¦show more content†¦(Native American Music). The big part of the Music comprises of â€Å"life of Native American† as it’s played with most of their experiences. The Native American music gives a broad descriptions as to how the music were made. The usually would comprise of the â€Å"vocal† as it suggest to be the backbone of their style of music. It suspect that the music most important aspect it’s towards the way their â€Å"Voice†. Native American Music reveals the usage of â€Å"piano† works that have some elements related to the musical. (Native American Influence in the Piano Music of Louis W. Ballard). HISTORY OF NATIVE AMERICAN MUSIC In the history of Native American Music, is the major league of the Sioux Nation who are also known to be the first people. They were consisted of 7 different tribes in the entire Great Plains. They took an advantage of the accessible horses which were mainly from America. They know to be very family-oriented warriors(The Great Sioux Nation). It was the main reasons how they manage to be united together as a family. They followed a ritual that the men and women had a set roles which were given. The men usually would be protecting the lives of the family. They would hunt and have a war. Women basically would rule the family life. People who represent the Sioux believe in deeply spiritual. It represents by the dance and music. The Sun Dance which was believed to be the most valuable religious used in the

Friday, December 20, 2019

Literature and South Africa - 6676 Words

DECLARATION NAME: Ndumiso Ncube STUDENT NUMBER: 46302522 MODULE NUMBER: THL 2601 ASSIGNMENT NUMBER: 02 I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I have used source material, it is acknowledged in accordance with departmental requirements. I understand what plagiarism is and I am aware of the departmental policy on it. Signature: Ndumiso Ncube Date: 25 March 2013 CHECKLIST Please tick the appropriate (√) | | YES | NO | 1 | I acknowledged all source material (study guide, tutorial letter, internet, other sources) used in my assignment. | √ | | 2 | Irrespective of whether I participated in a study group or not, the wording of the assignment is my own. | √ | | 3 | I indicated all sources used in my assignment†¦show more content†¦Despite its free verse, prose like language, there are strong rhythmic patterns created by line breaks, repetition and syntactical deviations. There is a staccato marked by abrupt breaks or interruptions in line 12 to 16, all perhaps, in one way or the other, to create a sound that can help decipher its themes and meanings. Extratextual code is â€Å"the relations of the text with the historical and social contexts† (Oliphant and Keuris 2010: 13). This means that in trying to understand and interpret an aesthetic object, in this case Mending Wall, one needs to contextualize the poem in terms of its social, historical, political, and ideological, and even its geographical environment. In Mending Wall, one notes the significance of the culture of repairing walls during springtime as one aspect that contextualizes the poem. The geographical setting, in this case, where during spring the â€Å"frozen ground swell† can be connoted to water turning to ice. This in turn can be geographically linked to continents like Europe and America. The spelling of the word ‘neighbour’ as ‘neighbor’ in the poem suggests that this poem was written somewhere in America. This linking of the codes as is done above becomes an extratextual code. In trying to find a set of interrelated sign s, one also may want to find more on the biographical extratext of the poem and poem. Robert Frost is described by Helen and Phahlele (2011:103) as someone who grew up inShow MoreRelatedLiterature and South Africa6682 Words   |  27 Pages References Jong, M.D. 2008. Theory of the Sign in Literature and Culture. Only Study Guide for THL201A. University of South Africa: Pretoria Lotman, J. 1977. The Structure of the Artistic Text. Translated from Russian by G. Lenhoff and G. Vroom. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Oliphant, A.W. and Keuris, M. 2010. Structuralist and Semiotic Theories of Genre. Only study guide for THL2602. University of South Africa: Pretoria. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Corporate Governance Of Ethical Activities â€

Question: Discuss About The Corporate Governance Of Ethical Activities? Answer: Introduction Liquidity is regarded as the stage where it becomes difficult for the organization to conduct its business operations and in turn company has to sell its assets when the company becomes solvent. The ultimate reason behind liquidation can be considered as high debt burden where the company has taken the higher amount of loan and is not able to repay the accounting back. The present study is based on three organizations named HIH insurance, OneTel company and ABC learning that have gone into the process of liquidation due to the presence of different reasons. Apart from this corporate governance and ethical activities of the companies have been analyzed in the present study. Events That Led To Liquidation A large number of valid reasons are present due to which companies operating in the market reaches the liquidation stage and in turn, it becomes difficult to conduct overall operations. The liquidation of HIH insurance was the biggest example of liquidation in the Australian marketing where the overall analysis has shown that some issues in the internal system of the enterprise were present such as ineffective monitoring, poor planning, ineffective utilization of financial resources, etc(Jiangbo 2008). HIH group operates on the wider basis and is comprised of HIH Casualty, FAI general insurance company, General insurance limited, etc. Further, the directors of the organization breached their duty, and due to this reason, they were not involved in the key affairs of the enterprise. Overall the corporate culture of the business was conservative in nature along with the poor governance practices that directly led to the downfall of the organization in the market. Considering the acquisition strategy of HIH company which was also aggressive and this acted as the main issue while maximizing profits. In March 2001, the estimated value of the firm was between $3.6 billion and $5.3 billion as analyzed by liquidators. Further, the liquidation of the business badly affected the construction sector where different builders undertaken by the company had to seek replacement coverage(governance 2011). The key reason behind liquidation was the inability of the organization to pay claims of insurance policy holders and another form of debts that were due. The report published by the HIH royal commission indicated that company witnessed loss of $73 million against a net earned the premium of $1550 million on 30th June 1999. So, this reflects the key reasons behind the failure of the company in the market. In case of OneTel company, the ultimate reason behind failure was inappropriate corporate governance. CEOs of the organization has the high amount of control over the major affairs and on other executives. Further, this directly led to the conflict of interest and this was mainly compromised due to the provision of non-audited services of the organization. The top executives of the company were not at all able to manage key activities, and this raised situation of liquidation. The company was not able to manage its main expenses as the adequate amount of profits were not earned(Monem 2011). This situation was adverse for OneTel company operating in the market. Some valid reasons due to which organization reached into liquidation position were wrong strategic decisions, ineffective pricing policy, unbridled growth, etc. Further, it is a well-known fact that every organization has to take some corrective action for managing overall cost and this is only possible when proper planning is done by top executives which were not present in case of OneTel company(governance 2011). On the other hand, some issues have been identified in the corporate governance structure of the enterprise that involves ineffective audit control, poor pay to performance link execution, inappropriate communication between management and board. Due to all these valid reasons, it became quite difficult for OneTel company to operate in the market and company has to shut down its operations. Considering the case of ABC learning center where the key operations of the company were to deliver childhood education services in the market of Australia. Further, due to the presence of a large number of reasons organization was not able to survive in the market(Sammut 2008). The key reason was the rise in the overall level of the expenses that involves advertising cost, staff salary and another type of costs due to which profitability level of the company declined at the faster pace. Further, corporate governance practice of the organization was also inappropriate where top executives of the firm were not able to manage overall operations. In the year 2008, the organization suffered the loss of 1.78 billion. Apart from this, the debtor director voted to enter into the practice of voluntary administration in Australia. Apart from this, cash problem was witnessed by the firm in the year 2008 and due to this reason situation of liquidation occurred(Crikey 2008). The firm was not abl e to manage its major expenses, and overall profitability level decreased at the faster pace. So, these were some of the valid reasons due to which ABC learning has to shut down its operations. The Reason Behind Companys Financial Stress At the time of carrying out business activities and operations, it is required by corporations to take care of areas such as corporate governance and ethics. In simpler terms, corporate governance can be defined as the set of rules and procedures which promotes long term relationship between management and all stakeholders. The practices of corporate governance have a direct impact on the overall operations and business activities of an organization. Companies such as HIH insurance company, ABC learning center, and One Tel have set the example of how inappropriate corporate governance practices can increase the overall financial stress on businesses(Bank 2006). The practices carried out HIH insurance company cannot be termed as ethical as the companys Board of directors were indulge in breach of The Corporate Act which is completely against business ethics. However, the insurance company has taken strict actions against those directors by restricting them to be the part of decision-making process. Conservative corporate culture is also considered as another major factor which has resulted in financial failure or liquidation of HIH insurance company. Another reason why HIH insurance company practices are considered as unethical is that the organization has misguided the investors by presenting wrong financial figures and data in front of them(Steele, Wee Ramsay 2016). Such type of practices directly results in creating several obstacles in the long term growth and success of companies. The financial failure of ABC learning center is another example which indicates the significance of corporate governance practices and ethics in business operations(Walsh 2010). The company was not able to obtain an adequate amount of cash flow, and overall operations were affected by the same. In the short run, the learning center was somehow able to manage its operational cost whereas, in the long term, it became quite difficult for the company to deal with the same. The failure in corporate governance practices can also be witnessed by the fact that ABC learning center was not able to carry out effective management of the funds which it has obtained through the renowned banks operating in the country(Sammut 2008). The concept of ethics and corporate governance reflect the fact that it is required by companies to measure the impact of decision the on all stakeholders before taking any decision. However, the case of One Tel was completely against this concept and this, resulted in liquidation of the company in the long run(Morrison Anderson 2015). Here, the two CEOs of One Tel were taking major decisions linked with financial management, operations and the views of other people on the board were not taken into consideration(Lane 2016). The result of this is that the organization started to witness such as shortage of finances and losses every year. Another reason, which has led to the liquidation of One Tel, can be termed as its auditors conflict of interest. Major Factor Liability Liability alone cannot be considered as the reasons behind liquidation of HIH insurance company, ABC learning centre and One Tel. The main reason here is that these companies were not able to carry out ethical practices and operations with guidelines of corporate governance. In the modern era, the competition among businesses in Australian market has become so intense that it is no longer easy for companies to sustain in long run(Saville 2003). Furthermore, ethics and practices according to the guidelines of corporate governance can assists in carrying out smooth flow of all functions and activities. HIH insurance company, ABC learning centre and One Tel financial failure can be termed as perfect example of the situation which can be occurred due to inadequate and ineffective financial planning(Kruger 2011). These companies would have managed their cash flow and finances by carrying out following business ethics and corporate governance practices. Conclusion In the modern era, companies cannot sustain in the marketplace without carrying out adequate financial planning. Furthermore, businesses should avoid implementing corporate cultures which are highly conservative. It can be inferred that HIH insurance company, ABC learning centre and One Tel financial failure due to lack of corporate governance practices is a big learning for other businesses operating in the Australian market. The failure in obtaining required cash flow has resulted in creating several obstacles in the growth of the company. References Bank, TW 2006, Case Studies on the, viewed 13 September 2017, Crikey 2008, ABC learning collapse is a policy failure, viewed 13 September 2017, governance, CC 2011, HOW THE COLLAPSE OF ONETEL AND HIH INSURANCE CHANGED, viewed 13 September 2017, Jiangbo, XU 2008, ' HIH Insurance Limited: Corporate Governance and Corporate Excesses.', Corporate Governance and Corporate Excesses., 31 August 2008. Kruger, C 2011, Numbers finally start to add up as operators go back to basics., viewed 13 September 2017, Lane, RJ 2016, Unexpected corporate failures in Australia through the decades: commonality of causes, Doctoral dissertation, James Cook University, Australia. Monem, R 2011, ' The One. Tel collapse: lessons for corporate governance.', Australian Management Morrison, D Anderson, C 2015, 'Is corporate rescue a realistic ideal? Business as usual in Australia and the United Kingdom.', Nottingham Insolvency and Business Law e-Journal, vol 2015, no. 3, pp. 417-435. Sammut, J 2008, The ABC of policy failure, viewed 13 September 2017, Saville, M 2003, HIH : The Inside Story Of Australia's Biggest Corporate Collapse, viewed 13 September 2017, Steele, S, Wee, MS Ramsay, I 2016, Remunerating Corporate Insolvency Practitioners in the United Kingdom, Australia and Singapore: The Roles of Courts. Walsh, L 2010, Unravelling the truth of ABC's collapse, viewed 13 September 2017,

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Leadership in Business Employee Performance

Question: Discuss about theLeadership in Businessfor Employee Performance. Answer: Strategies for Developing Informal Coaching and Empowering Others Business coaching is now a fundamental activity for many organizations to enhance employee performance. Coaching impart skills and abilities while also help in dealing with challenges within the organization. Coaching is usually achieved through a conversation session between a coach and a team of employees. Many authors have attributed coaching and mentoring as a way of enabling people to achieve their full potential. Through informal coaching, the staff are empowered to come up with solution for their problems rather than being forced (Viney and Harris, p. 126). Most formal coaching is conducted by professional that is hired, however, informal coaching can also be carried out effectively by managers and leaders in the organization. Strategies for Coaching and Empowering Team Members The informal coaching is done in general conversation. This necessitates a leader to identify complexities experienced by a team in performing their tasks. This then creates opportunity to offer them support. The first strategy in conducting informal coaching is to read the team and be aware of their moods. Coachee has to identify whether employees are distracted, happy, sad or angry. Knowing these emotional instabilities create a chance to initiate informal coaching. By having a simple conversation with the staff, supervisor is able to know their thinking and feeling and thus evaluate the best time when employees will be receptive to coaching. The next step is for the coach to ask for permission from the staff member to engage in chat about work. During informal coaching process, there is no advice or giving instruction to team or workers. It is all about discussion and asking staff questions directly and guide them to an answer that suits them. The coaching session are best conduct ed informal office space like corridors, lunch or tea break. The spare time after meeting offers excellent time for engaging with employees in an informal coaching session. The body language of the speaker is reported to have very much impact on the audience. Using appropriate stance, facial expression and gesture helps in building a strong, positive and credible emotions to connect with coachee (Douglas-Cowie et al., 2003 Strategies for Improving Creativity in Organizations Complex business environment due to increased technology and globalization has increased business competition necessitating organizations to be creative so as to maximize productivity and enhance survival. I have designed several strategies discussed below for improving creativity in organization. Creativity requires time, space and resources so I have developed creative work environment that allows employees to have freedom to explore innovations. Low stress environment has been reported to booster generation of new ideas and its implementation to increase efficiency (Perry-Smith et al., p. 93). The employees are also motivated to be creative by offering bonuses, prices and perks to those with extraordinary performance. However, the best strategy is to provide them with proper tools they need to enhance creativity including training, computers, financial resources and software. Organizations that have well established research and development department are likely to achieve more cr eativity in their processes (Shin and Zhou, p. 7). I also encourage workforce diversity to create a pool of talents and skills that are necessary for creativity and innovations. Having workers from diverse background in terms of religion, race, color, nationally, gender and sexual orientation bring different experience and viewpoints to the organization (Bassett?Jones, p. 167). I have built as strong team consisting of members with diverse skills to exchange ideas and offer alternate perspectives and to innovate. Most innovations require risky undertakings and therefore employees may not be willing to be part of creative mindset due to fear of punishment is suggested strategies failed. I will therefore create an open environment by having a suggestion box where employees will contribute anonymously. Processes for Diagnosing Problems with Performance Diagnosing problems in an organization at an early stage help in putting everything on the right part before situation worsens. Diagnosing problems is the work of the supervisors and managers to identify root cause of performance problems and offer possible suggestions to remediate the problem. One strategy to diagnose problem is to conduct employees survey where a questionnaire will be administered to them to provide valuable information affecting performance such as satisfaction, customer, focus, culture, environment, engagement and leadership. The questionnaire can be sued to effectively assess employee satisfaction in all aspects of organization. Employee surveys can be conducted annually or quarterly since there is positive relationship between company performance and employee satisfaction (Chi and Gursoy, p. 246). Employee highlights reasons for their dissatisfaction. Organization can then address it through education and training programs, reengineering processes and organizat ion cultures and adopting various ways of motivating employees. Another strategy is to conduct an audit on human resource department. The HR audit target several functions that affect performance such as talent management, engagement, remuneration, strategy, structure and recruitment to detect any defects that are impacting performance negatively. Conducting interviews with management team helps in uncovering issues hindering good performance (Beer and Eisenstat, p. 29). The result from analysis of the interview provides a gap that lead to poor performance. Other tools for diagnosing performance problems are observation and focus groups. The interventions will depend on the problems identified. People can be recruited best on the abilities to match task in organization. Furthermore, offering career development opportunities, financial and nonmonetary incentives and job promotions can help enhance employee performance in the organization. Reference Bassett?Jones, N., 2005. The paradox of diversity management, creativity and innovation. Creativity and innovation management, 14(2), pp.169-175. Beer, M. and Eisenstat, R.A., 2000. The silent killers of strategy implementation and learning. Sloan management review, 41(4), p.29. Chi, C.G. and Gursoy, D., 2009. Employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and financial performance: An empirical examination. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(2), pp.245-253. Douglas-Cowie, E., Campbell, N., Cowie, R. and Roach, P., 2003. Emotional speech: Towards a new generation of databases. Speech communication, 40(1), pp.33-60. Perry-Smith, J.E. and Shalley, C.E., 2003. The social side of creativity: A static and dynamic social network perspective. Academy of management review, 28(1), pp.89-106. Shin, S.J. and Zhou, J., 2003. Transformational leadership, conservation, and creativity: Evidence from Korea. Academy of management Journal, 46(6), pp.703-714. Viney, R. and Harris, D., 2013. Coaching and Mentoring. Leadership in Psychiatry, pp.126-136.